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Horoscope Matching

Writer's picture: raman kamraraman kamra

Updated: Sep 12, 2020


Horoscope Matching /Kundali Milan also known as horoscope matching is a Process by which we can understand whether the Marriage between a Boy and Girl will be happy or not. It is in use from long ago and a very useful method to avoid any Marital disharmony.Marriage is one of the important event of our Life. Every body wants to have a peaceful and happy married life. But This does not happen. No of unhappy couple is increasing in our society day by day. So when we reach in a marriageable age, we become curious to know what is stored for us. We want to know How our Future Spouse will Look and their nature. This is quite natural. But we must understand ” all that glitter is not gold”. It is not necessary that a boy or girl who appears to be very attractive and of good nature will be perfect for you. It is very difficult to judge a person and often people do not show their true nature in outer world. Only Astrology can judge the true nature of a person by checking Kundali and Planetary alignment.So it is very important that two persons of same vibe or nature should get married and true nature of a person can only be judged by seeing the Horoscope. So before marriage, Horoscope of Bride and Groom should be checked to see whether both the Kundali is supporting to each other.To sort out this problem, our ancient sages had developed a mechanism to compare horoscopes of bride and groom. The process by which we matches the Horoscope of Bride and Groom is known as horoscope matching. If horoscope Matching is done properly, it can remove lot of obstacles and problems of married Life. The most Popular method of checking Horoscope compatibility for marriage is Ashtakoot Guna Milan. But this is a partial checking and we should not proceed with this score only.

Kundali matching or Horoscope Matching

The Most Common Nakshatra Matching- Ashtakoota in horoscope matching Moon is Very important in Nakshatra Matching for marriage. Moon is the significator of Mind, our taste and temperament. So the Moon Nakshatra or the janma Nakshatra of both boy and girl should be checked for marital bliss. This compatibility of Janma Nakshatra is known as Ashtakoota Milan. Ashtakoota means eight points which need to check during Nakshatra Matching for marriage.

Varna Koota- Marks Alotted 1 pt. Vashya Koota- Marks Alotted 2 pts. Tara Koota- Marks Alotted 3 pts. Yoni Koota- Marks Alotted 4 pts. Graha Maitri Koota- Marks Alotted 5 pts. Gana Koota- Marks Alotted 6 pts. Rashi Koota- Marks alotted 7 pts. Nadi Koota- Marks alotted 8 pts.

Varna Koota in horoscope matching – This Koota represents the degree of Spirituality in the couple. The twelve Rasis are divided into four categories of Varnas. 1. Brahmin is the highest, then Kshatriyas, then Vaishyas and the last is Shudras. Varna of Groom should be either equal to or superior to that of bride. For this one mark is given. In case of a bride marrying a bridegroom of inferior Varna (caste), no mark is given i.e. score is 0.

Vashya Koota in horoscope matching – All the signs of zodiac are devided in to five Vashyas(categories) as follows. I. Chatuspada or quadruped : – Aries, Taurus, 2nd half of Sagittarius and first half of Capricorn.

  1. Dwipada (Manushya or human) :- Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half of Sagittarius and Aquarius.

  2. Jalchar Rasi :- Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn and Pisces.

  3. Banachar Rasi (Roaming in forest) :- Leo.

  4. Keet Rasi :- Scorpio. If bridegroom and bride belong to the same Vaishya, it is ideal and scores 2 full marks.

Tara Koota in horoscope matching – Tarakoota clearly indicate the mental compatibility between Bride and groom. Count the number of Janma Nakshatra of bride from the Janma Nakshatra of Groom and the result is divided by 9. If the remainder is 3, 5 or 7 then it is inauspicious and score is 0; otherwise benefic and score is one and half. Again count the Janma Nakshatra of groom from the Janma Nakshatra of bride and the result is divided by 9. lf the remainder is 3, 5 or 7 then 1t IS inauspicious and the score is 0 other wise benefic and score is one and half. If both are benefic then score is 3, if one is benefic and another is malefic then score is one and half and if both are malefic then score is 0.

Yoni Koota in horoscope matching – It indicates Sexual compatibility of couple. If Yoni Kootas of both bride and groom are same the result will be favorable. If Yoni Kootas are different then result will be enmity between the couple.

Grahamaitri Koota in horoscope matching- From this Koota friendship between the Rasi Lords of both the bride and the groom are judged.

Gana Koota in horoscope matching – Nakshatras have been divided into three categories-Deva Ganas, Manushya Ganas and Rakshasa Ganas. Marriage between Sama Gana is most auspicious. After that Dev Gana-Manushya gana, Dev Gana-Rakshash gana and Rakshasa Gana- Manushya Gana is worst. It is a general belief that if a Rakshas Gana girl and a Manushya Gana Boy gets married, the boy will die. But this is completely baseless.

During horoscope matching: Gana is given too much importance. It simply signifies whether the person is of tradition or liberal mindset. Mismatch of Gana Can give Lack of Mutual understanding at the most.

Rashi Koota or Bhakoot Koota-Examine the position of Janma Rasis in the horoscopes of both the bride and the groom. If they are located mutually in 2/12 or 6/8 or 5/9 positions, this is treated as malefic and no point or mark is given. For location in other places full 7 marks are given. 2/12 position indicates poverty, 5/9 indicates loss of children and 6/8 placement indicates death.

Nadi Koota in horoscope matching -The nakshatras are divided into three groups called 1. Adi Nadi 2. Madhya Nadi 3. Antya Nadi. Marriage is not compatible when the Janma Nakshatras of both the bride and the groom are the same. It scores 0 marks. If nakshatras are dissimilar it scores full 8 marks.

Ashtakoota Kundali matching only consider the Moon Nakshatra. It completely Ignores the Ascendant, Sun and other planetary combination. Venus is the Significator for marriage but it also ignores it. How can a person with Weak Venus and 7th house lead a happy married life with Matching of Moon Stars. So in my opinion Guna Matching point of 36 does not guarantee a Happy Marriage. So below given other factors should also be checked thoroughly after ashtkoota matching for happy married harmony between the couple and to provide them with accurate remedies for their better future.

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Acharya Raman Kamra

Vedic Astrologer

20 years Experience

+91 8130 201 201

+91 9911 351 351

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