10th lord in 12th denotes jobless or frequently changing Job situation
Affliction to 4th house the transfer may cause separation from family.
Saturn afflicting Sun denotes loss of prestige, respect, status and scandals involving imme- diate transfer.
Saturn influencing ascendant/4th/7th/10th house indicates stability and confinement to a place for years together.
If ascendant and the 10th house form any relation with the 9th and 3rd house, then the transfer takes place.
If the relations between the 12th house and 9th house and lord of 10th house and lord of 9th house are formed, then the person gets success in the foreign country.
If the relation between the 10th house and 12th house is formed, then the person gets success in the foreign country according to his deeds.
Transfer with promotion is possible if the 7th house is influenced by the significators of 3rd, 10th and 12th .
Transfer without any change in residence if 10th house/lord is influenced by the significators of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th.
Transfer involves change in residence if 4th house/lord is influenced by the significators of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th.
Transfer is pleasurable if the ascendant is influenced by the significators of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th.
Transfer brings financial gains if 2nd/11th house are influenced by the significators of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th.
Transfer gaining authority in service is possible if 6th house is influenced by the significators of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th.
Timing of job transfer
Double transit of Jupiter and Saturn in horoscope influencing 3rd/6th/12th house from ascendant /Moon indicates transfer.
During Mahadasha and Antardasha of ascendant /4th/7th/10th house there is possibility of job transfer.
Native will get transfer from present place to another during the joint period of significators of 3rd, 10th and 12th lord.
Mars transiting over ascendant/4th/7th/10th house- creates the possible changes against the will and wish of the person.
Lord of 10th house transiting over 6th house the native will get the blame followed by transfer order.
Lord of 10th house transiting over 8th house the native will face difficulties from the place of transfer.
Lord of 10th house transiting over 12th house then the transfer takes place in far away places.
In natal chart if Sun or Mars is placed in the ascendant /4th/7th/10th house then the Mars transiting over these houses brings abrupt transfers.
If ascendant and the 10th house forms any relation with the 9th and 3rd house during periods of Mahadasha and Antardasha or during the transits then the transfer takes place
For transfer we should apply the simple methods which are used for viewing the change of place.
Houses – third house, fourth house, tenth house, and twelfth house should be seen for this. Some times sixth house is also seen.
– If transfer gives position (pada prapti) then seventh house is involved.
– If tenth house is gets involved then change of profession occurs with out change in residence.
– If fourth gets affected then change of residence is expected.
– If transfer gives pleasure then lagna gets involved.
– If transfer gives financial gains then second/eleventh houses are involved.
– If transfer gaining authority in service then sixth house is involved.
Dashas of lagna lord, tenth lord and exalted planets augur well for status of an individual. These dashas also indicates promotions in the job. a connection of these dashas with seventh house or lord improves their fructification. Never ignore the seventh house because this is the house of the pada prapti.
Some important astrological combination for promotion in Job
1. Astrological point of view we should see 2nd house (house of wealth) 9th (house of fate and prosperity) 10th house (house of profession) and 11th house (house of income) for promotion in job or business.
2. When all four houses (2nd, 9th, 10th, 11th) form special relationship with each other by the aspect, conjunction or placed in concerning house then become chance for promotion. 10th house is the house of profession so this house is the most important house for promotion, job and career.
3. Possibilities to get promotion during the Mhadasha and Antardasha (period or sub- period) of planets which form a special relationship with the 10th and 11th house/lords in the horoscope. The 11th house is the house of income. It is auspicious if an exalted planet transits through this house or trikon house.
4. If 10th or 11th lord are exalted in D1, D9 or D10 chart and period or sub – period has been started and also form relationship with 2nd, 9th, 10th or 11th house than sure you will get promotion in job or in business.
5. Vedic astrology specifies that the periods of the Ascendant lord, 10th lord and of the planets exalted in the birth-chart make a person successful in their life. If these periods form a relationship with the house of income than his income will increase and if these periods form a relationship with the 9th house/lord, then it will be more auspicious for native.
6. In astrology transits of planets in the horoscope is very important. If period or sub period lord are transiting with related house or aspect to related house then result will come positive. If your dasha is favorable and transits are not favorable then result will not come positive so both dasha and transits both are most important thing.
7. We should also see double gochar transits on related house these transits are favorable then result will come sure.
8. Pada Lagna is also important for the promotion in job. If pada lagan’s lord or 10th Lord from pada lagan dasha or transits are favorable then the result will come positive.
For promotion, second and eleventh house of a Kundali are analyzed. Besides this, the tenth house is analyzed for success. The third and ninth houses are analyzed if one is looking for a transfer. In the same way, eighth and twelfth house are analyzed for a person looking to work abroad. The twelfth house also tells us if a person would be stable in a job or not.
A person will be happy with his job and would not like to change it if auspicious planets are present in the fourth house. On the other hand, a person would not be satisfied with his job and would like to change it if inauspicious planets are present in the fourth house.
f a person leaves a job when a planet was retrograde, he may work in the same place once the planet is directional again. In the same way, if a person leaves a job when a sign changes its place, he may join back when the same sign changes its place again. If a moving ascendant is well aspected, the person would be satisfied with his current job. A person is unsatisfied with his current job and may look for a change if a moving ascendant is ill aspected. If a stationary ascendant is aspected by malefic planets, a person is unable to change his profession. If a stationary ascendant is aspected by auspicious planets, the person is satisfied with his current job.
10th lord in 12th denotes jobless or frequently changing Job situation ( it is also an ava yoga called as the DUR Yoga) . A person with Dur yoga is unreliable, is looked down upon by others, miserable and lives in a foreign place.
As the 6th house shows current services or job then the 5th house will show loss of the current job. Similarly the 9th house will show change of profession (12th to 10th house).
When we are looking for change of job, our focus should be on the 5th, 9th & 1st house.
Hence it is during the Dasa (period & sub-period) of 5th, 9th & also sometimes in combination of 1st (if doing or shifting to something totally different from before) house that provide us with new opportunities to join a new job in life.
The most important thing to remember is that these planets & Dasa’s should not only be checked in the Lagna/Janama Kundli (D-1) only but should be checked & co-ordinated with the Dasamsa (D-10). Dasamsa Divisional / Varga chart, which stands for our Career & Professional life (Karma). D-10 will give more definite & fine-tuned hints towards important events in a native’s life with regards to a native’s career. The Vargas helps us to fine tune events related to particular spheres of life.
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Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351