Vastu dosh nivaran puja
Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Puja – When we buy a new house/ shop/ commercial place, a special puja known as “Vaastu Puja” has to be done to appease the “Vaastu Devta”. This puja is a must to bring peace & happiness in the house as well as to promote wealth & business in our shops / factory. Normally this puja is done at the new premises but the same can also be done at a temple by our learned Purohits. For this puja 5 purohits are required along with a map & complete address of your premises for which vaastu puja has to be done. A Vaastu Dosh Nivaran yantra & Ganesha yantra will be kept on the altar & energized during the puja & the same will be sent to you so that they can be installed in the new premises. We will inform you the date, time and venue of the pooja via E mail and your representatives are welcome to attend the same. Our Prices include the following – All the materials needed for the Puja which normally includes Coconut, Beetle leaves, fruits, Ghee, Prasad, Sweets and Hawan Kund samagri etc. Food or the Anna Dan given to the Brahmins/ Purohits who perform this pooja Vastra Dan or the cloths given to the Brahmins at the end of the Pooja Dakshina or the Fees given to the Brahmins for performing Pooja Items that are sent to you as ” Prasadam ” of this Pooja inclusive of shipping charges.
The following Items will be kept on the altar during this PUJA and send to you afterwards as PRASADAM. Ganesha Yantra on Copper Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra on Copper Puja Japa Mala of Five Mukhi Rudrakshas A Crystal Sri Yantra.
We request you to provide us the following details for the Puja Complete name of the person for whom the Puja has to be performed Father’s Name. Date of Birth Place of Birth Time of Birth. Any additional Information.
Get in Touch
Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351
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