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Writer's picture: raman kamraraman kamra

Updated: Dec 23, 2021

Physical Appearance Virgoans are tall with a slander body. Dark hair and hairly. Curved and hairly eyebrows, thin and shrill voice, walks quickly and will never have a pot- belly. Straight nose, appear younger than age, a pronounced forehead, frank and honest expressions of the eyes and sometimes beautiful blue eyes (Venus is the ruler of the second house). Complexion will be as per ascendant and aspects on the same. Mental Tendencies Fond of learning, active mind, good mental abilities, critical, methodical, ingenious, undecided but usually precise though nervous and lacking self confidence. Perceptive and somewhat intuitive, critical, keeps things properly and orderly and thinks in a methodical way. A genius, analytical and a deep thinker. Personality Virgoans are ambitious for wealth, are conservative, modest, thoughtful, contemplative and industrious. They have good endurance not easily ontented, changeable nature and environment, often change their residence. They have commercial instinct, methodical, practical and discriminative. Experts in finding faults with others. Best suited for the post of inspector, auditor, income tax officer of examiner. A saving disposition, over careful and sensitive. Love details of things and accounts. Speculative, cautious regarding their own interest, diplomatic, delight in horticulture, intellectual and economical. Prudent, act with fore- thought, fond of studying science particularly about medicine, food, diet, hygiene etc. They should avoid drugs, should not be talkative, avoid criticism changeability, first think, then decide and to it, do not be fickle minded. Should develop a true consistancy of purpose. He should learn to forget other’s mistakes and forgive them for their faults. They should not be revengeful.To maintain the health, care for diet should be taken, he will enjoy robust health with long life and healthy old age. Keep his stomach and nervous system in order, take vitamin B and have a balanced diet. They are prone to the diseases of bowls, abdomen and nervous disorder. As regards finances, they have a commercial and business instinct. Will succeed in matters connected with the earth and its products. He will face many ups and downs in life, hard work will pay.Methodical, have wander lust in their nature, will have a peaceful and pleasant domestic life. His wife will be religious, God fearing, law abiding and true. He will form friendship with new persons.In love affair, you will hardly succeed as you are in the nature of finding faults with others, rarely passionate, you postpone marriage and prefer to be bachelor, but when married you become home bird. Limited progeny, and will give them good education and will be worried about their future. All children will set well in life.The planetary significator is Mercury. Health and Disease Virgo born people enjoy robust health with long life and healthy old age. Active, look younger than age in youth. They are particular about their health. Stomach and nervous system are very sensitive, the use of much vitamin B in your diet will avoid these troubles and have regular meals. Avoid worries, discontentment, irritability and short temper. Normally you will have temptation for excess. High living and deep thinking should also be avoided. Be cautious against gall-stones. Avoid Alcohol and use vegetarian and balanced diet. Have plenty of rest and enjoy clam surroundings.When malefics are posited in Virgo, one suffers from dysentry, typhoid and sprue during this periods. You will have minor injuries very often and it is likely that you may meet with accidents, so do not drive rash. Virgo indicate bowels, kidney, large intestines, mesentry, anues and nervous system, When lord of this sign Mercury is afflicted one can suffer from the above diseases. Finance Being of a commercial instinct, you should be careful about your money. Hard work will pay you in life and bring you to top. Return of investment will be poor. If lord of 6th house, Saturn is exalted, receives good aspects denotes goods fortune. Love and Marriage Virgo born are very intelligent, so they find great difficulty in selecting the partner as they give more importance to intelligence than to pleasure and romance, but in a few cases, you will be disappointed.They are shy and not demonstrative in love. Do not be sensitive. As Virgoans are in the habit of fault finding nature but passionate, they should try to appease others by conversation etc. You should bear in mind that as you require appreciation for your intelligence, so the people whom you love be praised and admired for their intelligence and beauty even if they do not possess these qualities. Husbands Virgoans prefer to be bachelor for a long time as they treat married life a partnership or social scheme. But when married they provide all comforts to the partner and family members due to your wife, you will enjoy good family atmosphere and lead a happy life. Be not so economical that your married life becomes afflicted and this habit be avoided.Virgo born people have limited number of children and provide all facilities to them at any cost. Children will maintain good health and enjoy future.They may not show outer affection to the children. Ideal Match The persons born in Taurus, Capricorn and earthy signs and Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn are best suited for Virgo born persons. Or the persons born on mondays, Rohini, Hast, Sarvana asterisms are suitable for happy and prosperous relations and partnership. Domestic environments Change is your basic nature, wandering, change of residence and environments etc. Virgo people like an orderly home and put up a show when guests are invited. A good house, is always destined for you.Your wife will be religious and God fearing, law abiding and true due to which you will have a peaceful and pleasant domestic life. Professions Virgo born people should select their partners in business very carefully, who should keep them cheerful and utilise their intelligence as best,Virgo are slave to the work, hard taskmaster and like to be left alone in a quite place to carry out the work and plans.When Mercury forms good aspects shows the profession as a broker,accountant, lawyer, journalist, engineers, surgeons, work connected with liquids etc. Much depends on the planet forming good aspects with lords of 2nd, 6th or 10th houses in Virgo and be analysed accordingly. Traits to be corrected Virgo born persons should not be so sensitive critical,conversationalist and chatty. Avoid too much calculating and in detail finding nature. Fault finding habit be avoided. They should have self confidence and avoid nature of changes. He should be a good judge and should not seek other’s advice to often to confuse himself but stick to a single person’s advice. Revengeful and long sustained resentment be avoided. Warning A few of your friends and servants will betray you, will try to have your secrets, exploit them and may take you to court of law and stand witness against you to spoil you and your reputation etc. So you are warned to be careful from your servants and friends and choose them with great care. Better get their horoscopes checked before employing them or making them as friends. Lucky days, numbers, colours and stones Lucky and favourable days are Wednesday, Friday, Monday and Thursdays where as Sunday, Tuesday and Saturdays are not favourable for doing any important or auspicious work.Lucky numbers are 2,3,5,6 and 7 whereas disagreeable numbers are 1 and 8 and the passive numbers are 4 and 9. Favourable and lucky stones are Emerald, Pearl, Diamond and Yellow Sapphire in gold which should be worn in 4th finger of right hand on Wednesday morning after offering prayers. But when Mercury is in fall or malefic Ruby and Emerald be used in Gold to minimise or wardoff the evils.The day of fast is Friday throughout the life.

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Acharya Raman Kamra

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