Physical Appearances A well proportioned and a well developed body.Tall, slender, generally long or oval face, large forehead, high or bushy eyebrows, long nose, bright expressive blue or hazel eyes, clear complexion but subject to aspect of other planets. Charming appearance, graceful look and handsome figure. Brown or chestnut hair inclining to baldness especially near the temples. Mental Tendencies Generous, bold, good hearted, pushful, ambitious, greedy and aspiring, good tempered, just, frank, free, cheerful, charitable and friendly.They look to the bright side of the things, dauntless with self confidence. Active and enterprising, sympathetic, humane and somewhat impulsive.Fond of travelling, voyage and outdoor sports and exercises. During obstacles, they are at their best. Blessed with energy, enthusiasm, vigour andvitality. Sagittarians are inclined to philosophy, law, medicine or religion. Personality Sagittarians are not timid, they will not flutter nor fear and tremble even in adverse conditions. Act after deep consideration, jovial,hopeful, generous and charitable. Love, liberty, independence and freedom,also they are good humored and honourable. They are frank, fearless,demonstrative, out spoken, nervously. They are frank, fearless, demonstrative,out spoken, nervously energetic, ambitious, sincere and quick. Love, truth,have desire to develop friendship with foreigners. God fearing and religious.They are blended with power of intuition and prophetic. At times they are restless, over anxious and highly strung. Respectful to religion, law and order and customs. They are in profession, aggressive, progressive and aspiring,quick to see end take the advantage if situation and opportunity.They are always outspoken, to the point, straight and directly hit the mark.They try to get higher education and fond of travel, cannot remain under the control of others. Professions suitable to them are the company law, civil engineering,contractor, work in foreign embassy or in foreign affairs. Speculation is always detriment to them. Sagittarians should not insult or hurt others by giving their frank opinion. Do not develop hatred towards your brothers and parents, this will not pay you. You will be liked by your friends and will be generous to the opposite sex and friendly with them. At home you may not be successful and enjoy the independence which you desire, so be of adjustable nature. Health and Diseases Sagittarius governs the hips, thighs, lions, buttocks,glutinous muscles, sacral arctics etc.So the diseases indicated are gout, rheumatic pain, hip fracture, lung troubles. Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius causes fracture of bones and also ulcer in the thigh needing surgeon’s help or operation. Also one may suffer from gout and pulmonary apoplexy.Jupiter in Poorvashada star causes diabetes, Saturn alone indicates contusions of hips, T.B. asthma etc. Moon indicates bronchitis, pneumonia, diabetes.Sun causes poor vision, a defective hearing, Venus indicates tumor, diabetes etc. Mercury shows hiccough asthma etc. and also causes fatal diseases being also a lord of Bhadhaka Sthana adhipathi.Generally Sagittarians enjoy good health. Finance and Fortune Sagittarians like frequent changes, to work with free hand rather to be ordered to do, nor they prefer to sit tight at one place and work. They are rich with full comforts of life quickly and have gains without pains. If Jupiter is not afflicted politics will prove lucky. Love and Marriage The married life of Sagittarians is generally happy and prosperous. They make friendship with all due to their sweet smiles and quick wit, liked by wife and friends. They are not fond of home but are much interested in outdoor life. They take much interest in children as age advances,you should not curb their independence lest they become obstinate and strong willed. Blessed with good wife. The Sagittarians must be very tactful in dealing with their children. Husbands Sagittarians flare up quickly and last for a short time. Fond of games, sports and clubs and these are important to him rather than family life. They are persons of morality and dignity, the maturity will come late in life. They maintain integrity. Will be blessed with a good wife, particularly when one marries a Sagittarians girl who will be modest and polite and will be lucky. Ideal Match Sagittarians suit best to Sagittarians, and Gemini born persons.Also best suited for Arians and Leonians, they will have better understanding with Librans and Aquarians. Domestic Environments Generous and friendly with opposite sex whereas they do not like relatives, spend much on children. Also charitable, religious and attached with educational institutions. At home they are failure, if are denied independence which is their basic nature to have. Traits to be Corrected Be moderate and do not hate your relatives, parents and brothers. Exaggeration and continuous speech without truth, false promises,insulting or hurting others are your basic traits which be avoided. Your behaviour will be inconsiderate at times. Care for your family in addition to outdoor activities. Do not be of vindictive mind. You have nature of disturbing others in unnecessary way and you change you opinion often which needs correction. Professions You can be a good teacher, preacher, public speaker, bank employee, politics will suit you best 21st attached with religious and educational institutions. Also editing and publishing will be rewarding. You may master company law, civil Engineering, contractor, foreign assignments, but speculation will not be helpful and profitable. Lucky Days, Numbers, Colours and Stones Lucky days are Wednesday,Friday, Thursday and Sundays, whereas Monday will cause anxiety and troubles, Tuesday loss and extravagant expenses and Saturday indicates slow,steady progress and assistance from others.Lucky or favourable numbers are 6,3,5 and 8. Avoid 2,7 and 9. The numbers 1 and 4 will be passive.Lucky colours are white, cram, green, orange, light blue, and emerald.Avoid red, pearly and black.Lucky stones are Topaz in Gold in first finger of right hand on Thursday morning after prayer. When Jupiter is afflicted or unfavourable yellow sapphire plus red coral. All above stones should be used in gold.Day of fast. Thursday.
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