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Writer's picture: raman kamraraman kamra

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

B.P.H.S. REMEDIES FOR JYESTHA GANDANTA BIRTH 1-5. The Sage said. O Maitreya! Now I will describe to you the remedial measures to be adopted to ensure relief from the evil effects of Jyeshtha Gandanta. The erection of a canopy (Mandhup), installation of Kalash, selection of a priest etc. will be done in the same manner, as has been recommended for the Abhukta Mula in the previous chapter. In this ceremony Indra will be the deity-in-chief, Adhideva will be Agni and the Pratyadhideva will be Rakshasa.

  1. Then the remedial rites should be performed in the following order. Install on a Kalash, full of paddy rice, an idol of gold with Indra, seated on Airavat with Vajra Ankusha in his hands. Perform worship of the chief deity Indra along with that of the Adhideva and the Pratyadhideva with the recitation of their appropriate Mantras. Perform Havan, Abhisheka and then feed the Brahmins in accordance with ones means. In addition to the above, after doing Indrasukta and Mrityunjaya Japas, prayers may be offered to Indra. These measures will wipe out the evil effects of the Gandanta.

  2. In case the performance of remedial rites, described above, is beyond the means of any person, he should give a cow in charity. This will also appease the deities and promote relief from the evil effects of the Gandanta. Because the giving of a cow in charity has been considered a superior remedial measure than giving in charity all the lands, belonging to a person. 8-9. According to prescribed remedial measures, 3 cows are to be given in charity in the case of Jyeshtha-Mula and Aslesha-Magha Gandantas, 2 cows in Revati-Ashvini Gandantas and 1 cow in other Gandantas, or in any inauspicious Yoga. If cow, or cows are not available, their actual value should be given in cash to a Brahmin.

  3. A girl, born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra, destroys (is the cause of death of) the elder brother of her husband and a girl, born in fourth quarter of Vishaka Nakshatra, destroys her husbands younger brother. Therefore a cow should be given in charity at the time of the marriage of such girls to wipe out the above-mentioned evil effects. 11-13. A boy, or girl, born in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter of Aslesha Nakshatra, destroys his/her mother-in-law and a boy, or a girl, born in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd quarter of Mula Nakshatra, becomes the destroyer of his/her father-in-law. Therefore suitable measures, as may be possible within ones means, should be taken at the time of the marriage of such boys and girls. There will be no evil effect, if the husband has no elder brothers.

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Acharya Raman Kamra

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