The placement of Rahu in gemini would further make natives as insincere and carefree in their attitude besides which they lack the serious approach towards life. They will be more free living and would lack the understanding in their approach besides which they would stay away from any sort of risk taking in life and would be quiet inclined towards comfort and leisure.The natives with Rahu in gemini would lack at the side of eloquence due to the impact of Rahu which would become a hurdle in their path towards success. While on the other hand, Rahu won’t effect upon their intellect and strength of mind but they could lack the loyalty in their approach. He may be born in a house which is situated western part of city and the road in front of house passes from West to east. He may be suffering from nervousness. He may be detective from mind. He is skilled in printing, media, journalism, writing or research oriented jobs. He may be powerful man in both strength and position.  He has power to think continuously. He has skillful in good expression. He is expert in cheating or frauds in such way  so others don’t realize they are cheated. He is expert in manipulating other regarding own acts. It makes native brave just like lion but his acts may be just like fox. Means they are expert in showing his braveness but not so much stronger from inner heart. He is capable to attracts opposite gender.
Get in Touch
Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351
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