The placement of Rahu in cancer would enhance the inner vulnerability of the natives besides making them more fragile from inside which would further enhance their crave for security while on the other part these people would possess a unstable and fluctuating mind. The natives with rahu in cancer could easily be taken towards any direction. These natives would become extremely protective and possessive of their loved ones. The natives with rahu in cancer are perceived to lack at the practical understanding which is the main reason behind the hurdles of their life path but they always approach life with a serious attitude. He will be suffering from problems regarding heart/chest/lungs etc. It may be possible native may be suffering from dry cough in childhood. His mother may be suffering from a lots of problems and also from depression. He his born in a house which is situated in North part of the town and lane in front of house running from North to South. He may be psychological from brain. The mother of native is dominant in the house. He may be suffering from unnecessary worries. He may taking stress regarding imaginary trouble or obstacle. He may also in stress regarding fulfillment of his desires. He will be capable to use his friendship regarding his materialistic gain.
Get in Touch
Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351
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