MOON IN 10th HOUSE Sutras 54-60-If the Moon is in the tenth house the native will achieve high academic attainments. He will be brilliant, will do pious deeds, will be famous and kind hearted. If the lord of the tenth is powerfully disposed, the native will be highly virtuous. If the Moon is in cojnunction with or aspected by a malefic, the native will have illicit relations with a widow in his 27th year and will earn bitterness of the people on that account. He will indulge in sinful deeds and will have to face obstacles in all spheres of his life. Comments-The tenth house is house of karma, profession, honours etc. If there is no evil influence on the Moon, and the lord of the house is well disposed she will give beneficial results in respect of all the significations of this house. The native will do good deeds and be highly intelligent and kind hearted. As the Moon will aspect the 4th house, the native will achieve high academic attainments. With evil influences on the Moon, the significations of the tenth house will be spoiled and the native will indulge in sinful deeds of all kinds and his life will be full of obstructions. If the Moon is in her sign Cancer (the ascendant will then be Libra), the Lord of the tenth will be in the tenth house, giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga conferring great name, fame and honour upon the native. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person will complete to perfection anything he undertakes and will be endowed with virtue, wealth, intellect and valour. Phaldeepika-The native will be conqueror, and he will get success very early in any venture he undertakes. He will do virtuous deeds. Saravali-The native will be happy, devoted to his work which he will perform successfully, wealthy, pious, valorous and charitable. Note-All the authorities are in agreement that the Moon in the tenth house will give very beneficial results in respect of the significations of this house. But it should not be forgotten (as stated in Bhrigu Sutras) that for beneficial results to accrue there should not be any evil influence on the Moon and the lord of the tenth house should be well disposed in the horoscope.
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Acharya Raman Kamra
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