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Writer's picture: raman kamraraman kamra

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

A favourable debilitated Rahu in seventh house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the marriage and married life of the native and accordingly the natives are seen marrying at proper ages or early ages and living a happy married life.Such a favourable debilitated Rahu can also make the native benefit from his wife as well as his in laws.Natives under the favourable influence of this debilitated Rahu can marry a person of foreign nationality and may permanently settle in some foreign country on the basis of their marriage.A favourable debilitated Rahu in seventh house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good results in profession and such natives are likely to do better in business than in service and some of these natives become very successful in their business due to some different and new idea invented by them.While an unfavourable debilitated Rahu in seventh house can give very bad results regarding the marriage and married life of the native and accordingly some natives are seen marrying very late in their lives whereas some other natives are seen undergoing more than one broken marriages which generally fail due to lack of mental compatibility.An unfavourable debilitated Rahu in seventh house of a horoscope can also trouble the native on account of bad reputation which generally comes due to some false allegation or due to some misconduct of the native and his involvement in some kind of scandal.Such an unfavourable debilitated rahu also troubles the native on account of health related issues,losses in business and excessive indulgence in extra marital affairs which can destroy the marriage and married life of the native.

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Acharya Raman Kamra

Vedic Astrologer

20 years Experience

+91 8130 201 201

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