A favourable debilitated Rahu in sixth house can bless the native with good speech abilities,analytical abilities,wisdom,sharp insight and the ability to make quick decisions and accordingly such natives succeed in professional fields which require these qualities.A favourable debilitated Rahu in sixth house of a horoscope can also make the native witness financial gains which generally come as a decision of some court cases as these natives due to favourable influence of such rahu win court cases and litigations.Such a favourable debilitated Rahu in sixth house of a horoscope can also take the native to some foreign land and accordingly the natives are seen going to foreign countries and settling there on permanent basis or on long term basis.While an unfavourable debilitated Rahu in sixth house of a horoscope can give very bad results regarding the financial aspect,health and well being of the native.An unfavourable debilitated Rahu in sixth house of a horoscope can develop criminal tendencies in the native and accordingly the natives can engage in criminal activities and some of these natives can become notorious on international level by virtue of their engagement in drug supplying, smuggling, kidnapping for ransom etc.Natives with an unfavourable rahu in sixth house are prone to get caught by the law at one point of time and may have to spend long period of time in jail or prison.
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Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351