A favourable debilitated Mars in eighth house of a horoscope can give native with a post of position or power with government or some private organization and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this favourable placement of debilitated Mars can become successful as police officers, army officers, engineers, politicians, administrators etc.A favourable debilitated Mars in eighth house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the spiritual progress of the native and accordingly some natives under the favourable influence of this placement of debilitated Mars can become successful as psychics,black magicians, tantrics etc.While an unfavourable debilitated Mars in eighth house of a horoscope can give very bad results regarding the marriage and married life of the native.An unfavourable debilitated Mars in eighth house of a horoscope can connect the native to paranormal and occult worlds and such natives land into big troubles and in some extreme cases due to malefic influence of debilitated Mars, the natives trying to control evil spirits or other such powers may get hurt by them which can result in permanent mental instability or in some cases it can also cause serious harm to the body of such natives.
Get in Touch
Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351
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