A favourable debilitated Ketu in fifth house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the education and academic progress of the native.Such a favourable placement of debilitated Ketu in fifth house can also give very good skills of business and a good understanding of professional matters to the natives and as such they are seen successful as businessmen or they make very good sales and marketing professionals as they are very good at judging the interest level of their buyers and convincing them.While an unfavourable influence of debilitated Ketu in fifth house can give very bad results regarding the love life of the native and accordingly some natives under the unfavourable influence of such debilitated ketu may have to go through betrayals and heartbreaks in their love lives and many of such natives are cheated or betrayed by their love partners or lovers.Such an unfavorable placement of debilitated Ketu can also give very bad results regarding the issues related to child birth and also cause some health related issues to the native.An unfavourable debilitated Ketu in fifth house of a horoscope can give bad results regarding the professional success of the native and accordingly some natives under the unfavourable influence of this placement may have to suffer from delays,losses and setbacks in their professional fields.
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Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351