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Updated: Aug 19, 2020

EFFECTS OF ANTARDASHAS IN DASHA OF VENUS 1-2. Effects, like gain of wealth, cattle etc. through Brahmins, celebrations in connection with the birth of a son, well-being, recognition from the king, acquisition of a kingdom, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Venus in his own Dasha, if Venus is in a Kendra, Trikona, or in 11th and, if Venus is endowed with strength. 3-6. Construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations, happiness to wife and children, companionship with a friend, giving grains etc. in ch6thty, beneficence of the king, gain of clothes, conveyances and ornaments, success in business, increase in the number of cattle, gain of garments by performing journeys in the western direction etc. will be the results, if Venus is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or, if Venus is in his exalted, or own Navamsa. 7-8. There will be acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm, beneficence of the king, well-being in the family, increase in the number of wives, children and wealth etc., if Venus is associated with, or receives a Aspect from a benefic and is in a friendly Navamsa, in 3rd, 6th, or 11th. 9-10. Danger from thieves etc., antagonistic relations with government officials, destruction of friends and kinsmen, distress to wife and children may be expected, if Venus is associated with, or receives a Aspect from a malefic in 6th, 8th, or 12th.

  1. There will be fear of death, if Venus is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Durga Path and giving a cow in ch6thty.

  2. There will be a period of agony, wrath of the king, quarrels with the coparceners etc. in the Antar Dasha of Sun in the Dasha of Venus, if Sun is in any Rasi, other than his exaltation, or debilitation Rasi. (This verse does not appear to be correctly worded, because Sun does produce good effects in a position, other than exaltation, or debilitation. The position is correctly stated in the Chowkambh version of this verse) 13-15. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom and wealth, happiness from wife and children, happiness from employer, meeting with friends, happiness from parents, marriage, name and fame, betterment of fortune, birth of a son etc., will be experienced, if Sun is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendra, Trikona, in 2nd, or 11th, or in Kendra, Trikona, in the 2nd, or 11th from the Lord of he Dasha. 16-18. Distress, agony, distress to members of the family, harsh language, distress to father, loss of kinsmen, wrath of the king, danger at home, many diseases, destruction of agricultural production etc. will be the results, if Sun is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, or, if Sun is in his debilitation, or in an enemy Rasi. 19-20. There will be evil influence of the Planets, if Sun is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. Worship of Sun is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects. 21-22. Effects, like gain of wealth, conveyances, clothes by the beneficence of the king, happiness in the family, great opulence and glory, devotion to deities and Brahmins, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Moon in the Dasha of Venus, if Moon is in her exaltation, or in her own Rasi, or is associated with the Lord of 9th, benefics, or with 10ths Lord, or, if Moon is in a Kendra, Trikona, or 11th. 23-23. In the above circumstances there will also be association with musicians and men of learning and receiving of decorations, gain of cows, buffaloes and other cattle, abnormal profits in business, dining with brothers etc. 24-26. Loss of wealth, fears, physical distress, agony, wrath of the king, journeys to foreign lands, or pilgrimage, distress to wife and children and separation from kinsmen will be the results, if Moon is in her debilitation Rasi, is combust, or is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, or, if Moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. 27-29. There will be sovereignty over a province, or village by the beneficence of the king, clothes etc., construction of a reservoir, increase in wealth etc., if Moon is in a Kendra, or Trikona, or in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be physical fitness at the commencement of the Antar Dasha and physical distress in its last portion. 30-31. Effects, like acquisition of kingdom, property, clothes, ornaments, land and desired objects, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Mars in the Dasha of Venus, if Mars is in a Kendra, or Trikona, or in 11th, or, if Mars is in his exaltation Rasi, or is in one of his own Rasis, or is associated with the Lagnas, 9ths, or 10ths Lord. 32-34. There will be fever from cold, diseases (like fever) to parents, loss of position, quarrels, antagonism with the king and government officials, extravagant expenditure etc., if Mars is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, or, if Mars is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

  3. Physical distress, losses in profession, loss of village, land etc. will be the results, if Mars is the 2nds, or 7ths Lord. 36-37. Effects, like great enjoyment, gain of wealth, visits of friends, successful journeys, gain of cattle and land etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Venus, if Rahu is in a Kendra, or Trikona, or in 11th, or, if Rahu is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi, or is associated with, or receives a Aspect from benefics. 38-39. Enjoyments, destruction of enemy, enthusiasm and beneficence of the king will be the results, if Rahu is in 3rd, or 6th, or 10th, or 11th. Good effects will be experienced up to 5 months from the commencement of the Antar Dasha, but at the end of the Dasha there will be danger from fevers and indigestion. 40-41. There will be physical distress, if Ketu is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above effects are Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in charity. 40-41. In the above circumstances, except for obstacles in ventures and journeys and worries, there will be all enjoyment, like those of a king. Journeys to foreign lands will bring success and the person will return safely to his homeland. There will also be blessings from Brahmins and auspicious results consequent to visits to holy places. 42-44. There will be inauspicious effects on oneself and ones parents and antagonism with people, if Rahu be associated with a malefic in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. Physical distress will be caused, if Rahu is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is Mrityunjaya Japa. 45-48. Effects, like recovery of the lost kingdom, acquisition of desired grains, clothes and property etc., reverence from ones friend and the king and gain of wealth, recognition from the king, good reputation, gain of conveyances, association with an employer and with men of learning, industriousness in the study of Shastras, birth of a son, satisfaction, visits of close friends, happiness to parents and son etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Dasha of Venus, if Jupiter is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or in a Kendra, or Trikona to Lagna, or to the Lord of the Dasha. 49-50. There will be danger from the king and from thieves, distress to oneself and to kinsmen, quarrels, mental agony, loss of position, going away to foreign lands and danger of many kinds of diseases, if Jupiter is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha and be associated with a malefic.

  4. There will be physical distress, if Jupiter is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is Mrityunjaya Japa. 52-54. Effects, like great enjoyments, visits of friends and kinsmen, recognition from the king, birth of a daughter, visits to holy places and sacred shrines, conferment of authority by the king, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Dasha of Venus, if Saturn is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendra, Trikona, or in his own Navamsa. 55-57. There will be lethargy and more expenditure than income, if Saturn is in his debilitation Rasi. Many kinds of distresses and troubles at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, like stress to parents, wife and children, going away to foreign lands, losses in profession, destruction of cattle etc., will be the results, if Saturn is in 8th, or 11th, or 12th, or, if Saturn is in the 8th, 11th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be physical distress, if Saturn is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. 58-59. The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are Havan with sesame seeds (Til), Mrityunjaya Japa, Durga Saptashati Path (by oneself, or through a Brahmin). 60-62. Effects, like dawn of fortune, birth of a son, gain of wealth through judgment of court, listening to stories from the Puranas, association with persons, competent in poetry etc., visits of close friends, happiness from employer, availability of sweetish preparations etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Dasha of Venus, if Mercury is in a Kendra, or Trikona, or in 11th (from Lagna, or from the Lord of the Dasha), or is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi. 63-65. If Mercury is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of Dasha, or, if Mercury is weak, or is associated with a malefic, there will be agony, loss of cattle, residence in other peoples houses and losses in business. There will be some good effects at the commencement, moderate in the middle portion and distress from fever etc. at the end of the Antar Dasha.

  5. There will be physical distress, if Mercury is 2nds, or 7ths Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam. 67-68. Auspicious effects, like availability of sweetish preparations, abnormal gains in profession and increase in cattle wealth, will be derived from the very commencement of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Venus, if Ketu is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi, or is related to a Yoga Karak Planet, or, if Ketu is possessed of positional strength. (It is not laid down anywhere, in which House Ketu does get positional strength). 69-69. In the above circumstances there will be definite victory in war at the end of the Antar Dasha. Moderate results will be experienced in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha and sometimes there will also be the feeling of distress. 70-72. There will be danger from snakes, thieves and wounds, loss of power of thinking, headache, agony, quarrels without any cause, or reason, diabetes, excessive expenditure, antagonism with wife and children, going away to foreign land, loss in ventures, if Ketu is in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Ketu is associated with a malefic.

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Acharya Raman Kamra

Vedic Astrologer

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