DARIDRA YOGA Daridra Yoga is said to occur when the lord of the eleventh house occupies the sixth, eighth or twelfth house; this planetary combination leads to the formation of Daridra Yoga in a Rashi. There are many other planetary combinations which lead to the occurrence of Daridra Yoga in a Rashi. When the lord of the first house and the twelfth house interchange their houses and are in combination with or are aspected by the lord of the second house or seventh house; or when the lord of the first house and the sixth house interchange their houses, with the lord of the second house or seventh house aspecting the Moon; or when Ketu and Moon are placed in the first house; or when the lord of the second house or seventh house aspects the lord of the first house who is placed in the eighth house; or when the lord of the second or seventh house are in combination with or aspects the lord of the ascendant and a malefic planet which are positioned in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house; or when a malefic planet aspects the lord of the ascendant which is in combination with or is aspected by the lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house; or when the lord of the fifth house is in combination with either of the lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house with no any other kind of benefit aspecting or combination; or when the lord of the second, sixth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house aspecting the lord of the fifth house which is residing in the sixth or tenth house; or when the lord of the second and seventh house aspects or is in combination with the lord of the ninth house or tenth house (which should not be natural malefic planets) which is residing in the first house. All these planetary combinations in a Rashi also cause Daridra yoga in a person’s Rashi. The presence of Daridra Yoga in a person’s Rashi results in making the native poor, indigent, nasty, sad, distressed and someone with huge debts & monetary adversities. The person under the influence of Daridra Yoga will also engage in sinful and evil acts. The Daridra Yoga native will also bear hearing difficulties and related problems.
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Acharya Raman Kamra
Vedic Astrologer
20 years Experience
+91 8130 201 201
+91 9911 351 351