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1 Mukhi Rudraksha

Updated: Dec 23, 2021

1 Mukhi Rudraksha

This is the best in all faced Rudrakshas. 1 mukhi Rudraksha is found in two shapes round and the half moon shaped. Round Rudraksha is found in Nepal while the half moon shaped is found in Rameshwaram. From the point of view of importance there is no difference between them. Therefore, it must be real and pure in whatever shape it may be. The cost of round one faced Rudraksha is many times fold as compared to the half moon shaped Rudraksha but it is a very rare item and often faked. So more and more people are turning to half moon shaped variety for it’s genuinely.

Representing Deity : Lord Shiva Ruling Planet : Sun (Surya) Day to wear : Monday Recommended for: Headache, Heart Disease and Right Eye Defect.

Beej Mantra for One Mukhi Rudraksha- ” Om Hreem Namah “ Rituals of wearing the bead for the first time : One faced Rudraksha should be capped with gold or silver and should be worn round the neck or be placed at the worshipping place, chanting “Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hreem Namah”. 108 Times using a small 108 beaded mala of wood, glass or metal. It should be worn on a Monday. Getting up early in the morning especially the Bhrama Muhurat , the devotee should clean the Rudraksha bead with mustard oil and then clean it with mustard oil and place the rudra in his left hand and start the counting from his right hand and fully concentrate on the mantra jaap. No mobiles, no laptops , no talking in-between , till the 108 times jaap is over.

Daily Rituals : The Wearer of the Rudraksha should chant the Beej Mantra of One Mukhi Rudraksha along with sacred mantra “ Om Namay Shivaye” daily at least 9 times while wearing the bead and atleast 9 times removing the same in the night time before going to sleep.

Benefits of Wearing a One Mukhi Rudraksha: • The wearer enjoys all the worldly comforts and all his material desires get fulfilled, yet he is not bound by them, • One Mukhi Rudraksha pacifies the malefic effects of planet SUN and makes the individual charismatic and radiant like the divine Surya himself, • This Rudraksha is very beneficial in curing headaches, right eye problems & diseases of Liver, Bowels, Heart Diseases, Bone Pain, etc., • This Rudraksha renders a person the power to concentrate, increased confidence, leadership qualities and prosperity, • A person wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha is able to lead a rich and powerful life by the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Get in Touch

Acharya Raman Kamra

Vedic Astrologer

20 years Experience

+91 8130 201 201

+91 9911 351 351

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